Sippin’ to Success


Water is the elixir of life and it’s free. 

Here’s 7 benefits to water is a daily non-negotiable.

It seems straightforward to think water is healthy and everyone drinks it, but you best believe most people struggle (or forget) to drink a couple glasses a day… Wild I know! 

Our bodies are primarily composed of water, and it plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being. 2L is the magical number of the recommended adequate water intake. So, let's deep dive into the benefits of drinking this magical number of 2L of water per day. 


1.     Improved Hydration

The most obvious benefit is hydration. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water and every cell, tissue and organ relies on water to function effectively. Room temperature water may absorb quicker through your body than very cold water. Helping to maintain hydration during workouts and prevent the shock of cold water in your system.

2.     Glowing Skin

Water is the secret to clear, radiant skin. It helps flush out toxins, leaving your skin looking healthy and plump. Say goodbye to dryness and breakouts. 

3.     Improved digestion

They say, drink a glass of water before every meal so your body can fill the empty space before eating. Water helps break down your food, keeps everything moving and can put out the fire of ingestion and acid reflux. Your tummy will thank you!

4.     Say bye to brain fog

Dehydration can lead to difficulties in concentration, memory lapses, and mood swings. Drinking enough water keeps your cognitive abilities sharp and your mind alert.

5.     Detox

Who doesn’t love a detox right? But, before you even think about any fad detox diets… Let’s start with 2L of water a day. As we said, water is the elixir. It aids the body’s natural detoxification process. It also supports the liver and kidneys in removing impurities from your body. Get ready to start feeling good on the inside out. 

6.     Enhances physical performance

For my Pilates girlies, water is key. The first litre is for thirst and the second is to keep you hydrated for your workouts. Water boosts your endurance, strength, and overall physical performance. 

7.     Staying cool

Water is essential for regulating body temperature. When it’s hot, water keeps you cool by releasing excess heat through sweat. Avoid overheating and stay cool as a cucumber.

Maelo’s daily non-negotiable: Full glass of water when you wake up and a full glass of water before going to sleep.

* The content provided in this article is provided for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice and consultation, including professional medical advice and consultation

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